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Seed Sounds for Tuning the Chakras - Update

This post is an update of the previous one with the same title.

My book Seed Sounds for Tuning the Chakras: Vowels, Consonants and Seed Syllables for Spiritual Transformation published by Destiny Books (Inner Traditions), ISBN 978-1-59477-360-7, will now be appearing in the UK in October 2012, with the publication in the USA in September.

A review has already appeared in Retailing Insights (USA) as follows: The author, a musician and sound-healing therapist, provides spiritual insight along with his detailed techniques for revitalizing the soul with sound. The connection between matter and energy is vibration and sympathetic vibration, between molecules or people, is LOVE. Across cultures these sympathetic vibrations show up as integral parts of creation myths (In the beginning was the Word). From this multi-cultural foundation, D''''Angelo takes readers through the world of spiritual sound and sacred alphabets, providing cutting-edge information from both ancient sources and modern science.
Customers who are already familiar with the chakras and the use of sound will welcome this addition to their libraries. For those customers without previous experience, there are basic explanations of toning, chakras, fundamental sounds, and the symbolism of alphabets. The free 66 minute CD makes its easy for everyone to begin using sound for spiritual development and healing. With a strong, almost magnetic cover, the book appears to reach out to you when you look at it. At this stage there is no price for the book in pounds sterling.

I would like to hear from anyone who would like to review the book for either the Soundtravels website or Caduceus Magazine. It has been endorsed by one of Soundtravels's authors, Chloe Goodchild.

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